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My Background

Personal Profile

I have worked as a crisis counselor specializing in trauma and grief for more than twenty years. Currently I am working as the Lead Organizer of AbolitionWorksTN to abolish carceral and punitive systems and heal the collective trauma they have caused while also continuing my work as a crisis counselor. I am a practitioner of Ifa, a traditional African religion and have spent most of my adult life studying astrology and tarot.


I am now ready to put everything that I have learned about life and Spirit together and use all of the skills I have picked up along the way to do what I was put here to do. I do not claim to have the answers. I do not have to. Our answers lie within. My gift is in helping people to see that, trust themselves, and move forward in faith.



Organizing/Public Policy
Nonprofit Set Up

I am an experienced community organizer who has been part of two successful grassroots ballot initiatives. I believe in the power of direct democracy because I've seen it work. i believe that we must remove the barriers that keep large segments of our community from fully participating in voting and the development of public policy. I am interested in being a part of any initiative or project that protects and expands our democracy.

My experiences as an IRS agent in the Exempt Organizations division and my experience as a paralegal have given me the skills to set up the legal and financial structures of nonprofit (and for-profit) organizations. I am available to file incorporation papers and complete IRS tax exemption applications.

Combining my education and skill as a crisis counselor with my life-long study of astrology and tarot, I offer readings and a unique approach to life coaching.

Other Skills

I'm available to speak and make presentations on abolition, mental health, policing, prisons and activism.

Get in Touch

(615) 431-1444

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Address: PO BOX 1111 Madison, TN 37116


Phone: (615) 997-0698

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